Work Life Balance or Imbalance

People throw out this term all the time and say things like well what you want to achieve is a work life balance. I am sorry a whaaat? I feel like when you are a parent there is no such thing as balance because your kids are always the primary focus of your life or…

M & Ms

It started with a simple reward. I tell my bears if you try to go to the potty you get an m&m and if you go you get 2 m&ms. What could be better?! At the beginning my little identical bears are killing it. I am one proud momma of these developmentally delayed little bears….

Waiter! Check please.

Ah mealtime. A great time really. A time to enjoy the things you love. And I love eating. I really do. Or at least I did until I had kids and eating started figuring into my nightmares. I mean it wasn’t like I was dreaming about hamburgers chasing me (that was my dad’s dream long…

Tom Brady and the NICU

Does the term Bradying mean anything to you? If it means posing yourself sitting on the ground with your feet out in front of you and your head hung low with your hands clasped between your legs just like Tom Brady did when he lost his second Super Bowl then good for you because that…

To Watch or Not to Watch that is the question

Okay so if you are like me at all you battled with yourself about whether to let your kids watch television afraid that it might rot their brain or lessen their already extremely brief attention span. You thought if I let them watch tv then I am not doing my job as a parent. If…

A Fish Named Mr. Ba Ba

Why Mr. Ba Ba? Well even though they are young I teach my kids to always address adults with a Mr or Mrs followed by the adult’s first name. I mean I think most of us do this don’t we? And while Ba Ba is a fish and certainly not an adult he is an…

Jackson Pollock and crib to floor-I mean bed

No I actually mean floor. If you like me have watched your child on the baby cam attempting to catapult his or herself out of the crib then you had the thought oh crap. It’s time to switch them to toddler beds unless I want to be taking one of them to the hospital. Screw…

Gumby and Preschool

So today I dropped my twins off at preschool. They were both carrying backpacks one with a butterfly  and the other with an owl. Do they need backpacks? of course not but did I want them entirely for the adorable factor? You are darn right I did. Anyway as I was walking them holding each hand because I knew if I…

Potty Training Twins

Yeah I have no idea how to potty train my children. I have tried everything suggested on the internet from the naked to the waist down for several days every few months to the lets a play a game with the potty. And the famous Elmo potty video. Which is really terrific because my girls…

Stay at home actor mom of actor twins

I thought I would start a blog to address all the moms out there who live in the same boat I do. You are an artist or in the industry and you gave birth to children and your career is on hiatus. You don’t live in the city so taking the subway to see a show…